Thursday, December 31, 2009
Friday, December 11, 2009
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Out Damn Spot and Take Palin With You
I just don't get it. Any thoughts she's had were given to her by her "advisers." She's being used and she doesn't even realize. Palin is an empty vessel being filled by the Dick Armeys of the GOP. She knows nothing of national politics and her catch phrase is "cut taxes so businesses can keep what they earn." That top down economics worked so well in the past, right? Palin would be another Dubya. Dubya was manipulated before elected, and throughout most of his administration. I would guess Palin and Dubya have about the same IQ, low end of the gene pool. What substantive thoughts has she contributed to ANY debate? What has she offered to health care reform, Afghanistan, Iraq, the national debt, (except the tax thing and that's a worn out 45 rpm), education, poverty, global warming or diplomacy. The whole drill baby drill thing was wrong on so many levels. Fortunately President Obama has not, so far, given into that way of thinking.
I just really don't get the media attention. Kill the spot light, turn the mic off and please leave us in the dark. I do not want to go through the next three years hearing the soapbox opera life of Palin, really, I don't. If she declares her candidacy or does something SUBSTANTIVE then okay. Personally she is a distraction, an annoyance, the chicken head eating freak in the circus, a mosquito in my ear, a train wreck I don't want to hear about until it happens. Out damn spot. Who in the media is bold enough to pour the stain remover on her smear?
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Monday, October 19, 2009
Mormons In the Front
I've pretty much ignored LDS unless it knocks on my door or approaches me in any other way. I worked for a Mormon once, we had issues. I don't think it was because he was Mormon, he was a prick of the natural order, so it came naturally. He was a little pinched face guy with facial features I'd get caught up in instead of listening. He'd open his mouth to speak, but nothing came out for a good 10-15 seconds. His mouth and eye brows would do these contortions. It was almost like watching really fast time lapse photography. Odd. I remember my mother always taking out of state visitors up to see the Mormon church in the hills. I never understood why that was an attraction since we could never go inside, and our church was Baptist. I look up there occasionally now and I still hate the place, high above the flat lands on a hill it stands. A beacon to,...what?
Elder Oaks’ is attempting to draw an analogy between those that suffered during the civil rights movement, and those supporting prop 8. According to Oaks, those supporting prop 8 were fired, intimidated and boycotted because they were opponents of prop 8. He does say that the intimidation received by Blacks was worse. By inference I'm assuming he meant "comparable" as in lynchings, rapes, bombed churches, fire hoses, dogs, and locked up in prison suffered by Blacks and supporters. Needless to say, I disagree. One of us misses the point.
I believe the right to marry who you choose is a civil right. I do not believe the two issues can be compared. The movements, the emotion, the ingrained humanity, the foundation for the opposition and resulting impact can not be compared.
Oaks' limits his supposition to the alleged "intimidation" received by opponents of prop 8. Again, I totally disagree. "Intimidated" with boycott, a business has a choice. "Intimidated with being fired, there is a choice and legal avenues. Intimidation did not kill 4 little girls in that church. Intimidation did not lynch thousands of Blacks, or drag them to their death, or burn their homes, or sic 90 pound dogs on women and children, or hose them with fire hoses. That is not intimidation, that is death by racism. Blacks had no choice, no rights, no safety net, no protection or no where to turn. Backlash from this issue can not be compared to the back lashes whipped Blacks suffered. Perhaps Oaks is saying the intimidation is born of homophobia? Blacks had no choice, they were Black and would remain Black regardless of ANY law.
Oaks' comments still does not put the Mormon church at the top of my all time list, but it goes to the front of the line on this issue. As with most religious zealots, Oaks missed the point. I will say in deference to the front runner on my list, the Catholic church was very active during the civil rights movement but they are also confused over prop 8. I've never seen an LDS member on a civil rights picket line. Maybe I missed it.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
The Booger Lobby
I hate lobbyist, and lobbying. Why are they booger? They are boogers because they are sticky and no matter how hard you flick them they still stick. Do not misunderstand me, this disdain I have for lobbying IS NOT restricted to the right, it includes lobbyist on the left. "One Person, One vote" is the election mandate in this country. Lobbyist erode the process.
I don't know about you, but I can not and would not pay my congressional representatives as incentive to do what is right. I have attended rallies, gone door to door, given seniors rides to the polls, donated what money I could afford, worked late into the night to get them elected. Why should I have to "lobby" them to do what they promised, what I elected them to do? So no matter how hard I work to get them elected, all it takes is a big fat check to void my efforts.
An organization or business is not and individual regardless of what the SCOTUS may decide. By allowing businesses to have influence in Congress via lobbying, legislation is diluted to profit. The people, the voters, the people paying their salaries, the people living with the consequences, are further minimized in the Democratic process. This is the process we've hung onto and faulted others for not allowing to prosper within their boarders. We have invaded other countries and criticized them for not being Democratic. How can we criticize foreign elections or processes when ours is so manipulated by greed and the the dollar. One Person, One Vote.The current Health Insurance reform debate is a prime example of the mutilation of the system by lobbyist.
What do health insurers believe campaign contributions will net them in Congress' health care reform debate?
Put Down the Pen, Raise the Sword
Democrats won the election right? Democrats currently hold both houses and the Presidency, right? For the first 6 years of his administration, Dubya's house had at it's peak a +31 advantage in Congress and a +10 advantage in the Senate. Legislation passed during those years include:
The Invasion of Iraq; The patriot Act; No Child Left Behind; Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2001; The Jobs and Growth Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2003; The Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act; The Unborn Victims of Violence Act of 2004; The Medicare Prescription Drug (billion dollar baby), Improvement, and Modernization Act; The Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act; and, established The Department of Homeland Security in 2002.
After the 2006 election the 110th Congress, Democrats went up 233/202 in the House and 51/49 in the Senate. Long story short, no, the republicans continued on their march to rightsideville. The only mentionable legislation was the U.S Troop Readiness, Veterans' Care, Katrina Recovery and Iraq Accountability Appropriations Act, 2007. This bill had more riders on it than a major city transit bus.
After 2008 election the Democrats gained even more seats and went up 256/177 in the House, and 60/40 in the Senate. Now we're going to get some legislation more citizen friendly...right? Eh, somewhat.
My point is, when Republicans are in control of both houses and the White House, the rich prosper. Democrats in control of all three,...the rich prosper. Am I getting frustrated, yes. Are others getting frustrated, yes. Have I given up, not completely, but I have weakened. Maybe the Democrats need a Newt Gingrich in the Senate because my faith in Harry Reid is fading.
I sometimes wonder if it is just too early in his administration to get frustrated with Obama and Congress, but the ripples in the sand propel me forward. I've worked on campaigns in the pass, but not as hard as I did for Obama (after I decided to support him over Hillary).
I understand and accept his desire to work for peace, and to have an inclusive administration. I recognize the need to work with the opposition and make concessions in an effort to gain ground on the many issues facing the US. I get it, really, I do. Oh, wait, what has he gained from the right? Well, let's see they demanded concessions on TARP, and the budget, he conceded, they voted against him anyway. The health care debate has about driven me insane with the backstabbing and posturing. One day republicans like Chuck Grassley are willing to work with Democrats, the next day he's regurgitating the death panel lie. Yet, Obama turns around and publicly thanks Grassley for his cooperation. I appreciate Obama' efforts to work with the republicans, really, but that change is not going to happen. After eight years of Dubya pushing through legislation, invading countries, stomping on citizen rights and just being a jerk, I appreciate Obama because he has attempted to work with the opposition. Really, I appreciate the effort, but the result is they are not willing and I agree with Bill Maher ( I would like to see him bitch slap a couple of the bluedogs and smack Bachus around a little. Tell the republicans to either help row or get off the damn ship. Work from the bully pulpit to push health care reform. Take tips from Dubya and push legislation through for the good of the country. I appreciate that he thinks things through and doesn't have knee jerk reactions as Dubya did. My appreciation and many like me have limits.
I say, put down the pen and raise the sword. I would not at all be surprised if Obama is a one term president, not by the vote but by design. I think he has an agenda and he has given himself 4 years. While that opinion would be sad, it would not surprise me to see the Democrats struggling to find a replacement.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Race not Reason
Rex Rammell, Idaho GOPer, Jokes About Hunting Obama
Race-Based Protests Directed At Obama Continue To Rise
Secret Service Interviewed Pastor Who Prays For Obama's Death
These are just four of the most recent headlines that are proving to be very disturbing, yet constant over the past 8 months. There have been worse comparing our President to Nazi's, socialist, communists, Satan, and the anti-Christ. He's been accused of building his own army, planning to kill old people, not being a citizen, being a Muslim, being a racist and destroying America. The biggie for some is he's planning to take away their guns and put insurance companies out of business and eliminate medicare.
Is all this hate because he is Black? Are all these lies rooted in the deep racist neighborhoods that had been laying dormant all these years? Will this country ever be rid of race based politics? Since when was it acceptable for a gubernatorial candidate to joke about hunting the President with a gun? Why is it okay for a US Senator to publicly say he was going to vote a bill down without reading it simply because media says he should? This is the same media that supports deathers, birthers, teabaggers, and gun toters. This is the same media that has the likes of Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reilly, and Glen Beck. Sad
Friday, July 17, 2009
What Today's Klan Looks Like
KKK Photos: What Today's Klan Looks Like
Are we seeing more of this because of the Internet? Is there really a resurgence as some say because of President Obama? Did Blacks get uppity, or step out of their place by electing a Black man?
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Maddow v. Buchanan v SCOTUS
The Political Carnival: VIDEO: Maddow v. Buchanan on Sotomayor hearings, race. 2 words: No contest.
I was going to rant and rave about all the inconsistencies and bold face lies in Pat's racist ramblings, then figured I was better than that. What I will say is that in my research I found that Blacks have fought valiantly in EVERY war this country was involved in, including Normandy. Blacks were slaves when the US constitution was written and not even considered citizens, yet they fought for this country.
It was not that Pat ignored these facts, but that others out there not as intelligent as, not as influential, not as recognized believe his rantings, and for that I say shame on Pat, shame on America. All the work of the civil rights movement is being ignored. All the advances, points made are being buried in hateful rantings of a failed 2x Presidential candidate.
This is not the first time Pat's rantings has uncovered more of his racist views. While huffing for his book "State of Emergency" he said, " I'd like the country I grew up in. It was a good country. I lived in Washington D.C. - 400,000 black folks, 400,000 white folks, in a country 89 or 90 percent whites. I like that country." When asked if that was the way he wanted to keep it, he said no. He went on to say that people should not alter the composition without consulting the American people. While I am not sure how that would work in today's society, I am quite sure it would be a demagoguery mess.
Affirmative has been and will continue t be an issue in this country. What Pat fails to accept, not recognize but accept is Sotomayor may have been a AA baby, but she epitomizes the reason why a hand up is sometimes necessary. If schools, resources, teachers, books, classrooms, are not on equal ground, a student given a little assistance can go a long way. Grants, scholarships, work study programs are available only to so many students. Even then, the challenges facing minority students are not on equal ground with white conterparts. Yes things have improved, but if in 2009, there are still those that feel all is right with our educational system, shame on America. In the time of cutbacks, schools taking a 10% cut in some districts, does not have the same impact as in another district. In this, I do not mean white versus black, but with and without.
Friday, July 10, 2009
Extremism in the Military, but no Gays SPLC Urges Congress to Investigate Extremism in the Military
Back in April Janet Napolitano "accidently" released a report entitled "Rightwing Etremenisim: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment," which identified veterans in the report. Right wingnuts went crazy. Napolitano later apologized.
Take a look at some of the Facebook pages of some of the soliders on the right side of the article. Wearing a uniform does not make you an angel or a patriot. Best to look at it as soliders protecting "their" country, not "the" country. It's not like these guys had an epiphany once they put on the uniform and crossed the border. They were racist/extremist before they joined. They developed their racial or religious bias way before going to the middle east. What's even more disturbing is many of these soilders will return to the states and enter the law enforcement arena. Whether thier choice is local police, FBI, or CIA, think of the impact to be had, the trail to be forged.
My question, are these guys still in uniform? Why are extremist acceptable when being gay/lesbian is not? Why are prevayors of hate and violence allowed to serve "their" country, but gays are not allowed to fight for "the" country.
Serving in uniform in a volunteer military is admirable, granted, but it should not provide cover nor training for evil. I have much respect for and will honor military personnel serving "the" country in uniform. I realize there is a personnel shortage and the military is spread thin, but, DADT still excist and 13,000 have been discharged because it. How many have been discharged for being racist or extremist? Napolitano should not have appologized, she should have been lauded for foresite.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Why Ask The Question
I wonder, why even ask the question?
This article appeared in the Huffington Post on 7/9/09
Ian Millhiser: Sessions Uses Sotomayor as a Pawn in His Lifelong Crusade Against Civil Rights
Another article was in The Nation and posted on 7/9/09
Racism at the Pool
A group of Black and Latino youngsters in Philadelphia, PA are denied access to the pool at the Valley Swim Club because " There was concern that a lot of kids would change the complexion...and the atmosphere of the club." It didn't matter to the club that the day camp these kids attended had arranged for the swim day, and had paid $1900 to swim with white people.
It isn't so much that the question is still being asked, but that some seem to think the election of President Obama would change the answer.
We have one (well kinda) Black Supreme Court Justice, we've had two Black Secretary of State (well kinda), we have one Black Senator, (well kinda), we've had four Black Governors. Why is the question still be asked?
Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III of Alabama has the answer, ask him.
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Newsvine - Shannyn Moore to Sarah Palin: I Will Not Be Muzzled!
Sarah Palin just keeps on giving.
Friday, July 3, 2009
Understanding The Noise

Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Todd S. Purdum on Sarah Palin |
Todd S. Purdum on Sarah Palin
Read the entire article, but, I think the following sentence says it all;
"What does it say about the nature of modern American politics that a public official who often seems proud of what she does not know is not only accepted but applauded?
Merriam Webster defines a phenomenon as:
1)an observable fact or event; a: an object or aspect known through the senses rather than by thought or intuition: b: a temporal or spatiotemporal object of sensory experience as distinguished from a noumenon c: a fact or event of scientific interest susceptible to scientific description and explanation. 3a :a rare or significant fact or event b: an exceptional, unusual, or abnormal person, thing, or occurrence.
As like most of the world I had not heard of Sarah Palin until she was selected by John McCain as his running mate. Also like most people I thought McCain was attempting to attract the female vote by selecting Palin. Obama did not select Hillary Clinton as many thought he should, but had selected Biden a week earlier. McCain bypassed several other well known female republicans and stronger male republicans in order to make a statement, be mavericky so to speak. Palin wowed them at the RNC and they were all excited. She said cool things like comparing herself to a pit bull in lipstick, and jesting about the work of community organizers and the whole bridge to nowhere mess. Oh she had'em, they loved her. Then she traveled with McCain for at least a month, no lone appearances. She continued to give the same juicy speech which started to atrophy and dry out.
Then the press started asking unscripted questions which had nothing to do with pigs, pit bulls, lipstick or bridges to nowhere. The press discovered the 49th state and attacked like locust. Everyone wondered why she was being protected and always traveled with McCain. Biden was traveling alone, making speeches and answering questions. Then came the Charlie Gibson, Katie Couric, interviews, SNL, Ayers, the monkey, the cries of "kill him", "terrorists" and her (and her families) expansive wardrobe. Yet the crowds roared on, the predominately white, gun clinging religious crowd yelling patriot slogans and hate.
Is this a phenomenon? Does this meet any of the definitions by Merriam Webster? Palin's dip into the national pool was an observable fact, and was not temporal or spatiotemporal, but was it a rare or unusual fact or event? Well it was weird by political standards and I believe she was in way over her head and capabilities.
For me, she came off cocky, unprepared and opportunistic. The latter is not negative in and of itself, but not in concert with the former. An analogy Palin would like is a player needs to know when to pass the ball when that player has no history as a outside shooter. Palin took the shot unprepared with no history or skill, and she missed.
The McCain/Palin loss was not totally her fault but she did not help it. She may not have heard those people yelling, "kill him" and "terrorist" at her speeches the first time, but she had to have heard them thereafter, she made no attempt to stop these people. Through the spending spree for herself and her family, her lack of knowledge in geography, the canned superficial responses to questions, her lack of knowledge in world politics, blaming the media for her short comings, through it all, she remained cocky.
Palin was as a puppy that was smacked on the nose and sent from the national arena. She is still whining and blaming the media because she was not potty trained.
She went back to Alaska, continued to air her dirty laundry while arguing publicly with the baby daddy of her grandchild, had 15+ actions filed against her personally, made an attempt to turn down stimulus dollars and was very vocal against Obama's policies. I won't even mention the airport to know where the state is building with stimulus dollars.
This past Thursday Sarah girl quit. In her usual superficial rambling way, she said a lot of nothing as to her reasons. The one thing I found interesting in her resignation was that she did not want to be a "lame duck" in the position. Keeping in mind that she has another 17 months before the end of her first term in office.
Phenomenon, maybe, but definitely strange, odd, and headed for the history books for a chuckle or two.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
REPORTS: Exiled Iranian Crown Prince seeks Israeli backing for opposition | Herald de Paris
I have to wonder if we are the "manipulator" or the "manipulatee" on this one. Our history in back door politics is well documented in several countries. I've asked this before, is Mossavi the right answer or just convenient? Is the CIA involved in Iran politics? Are people in the streets of Iran being killed, tazed, gassed and beaten to resolve an unsolvable internal situation? I really hate the idea that I am questioning my countries involvement in another countries politics. At this point there is no evidence indicating US involvement regardless of accusations from Ahmadinejad or Kohemini. Iran is a threat and must be contained, but so is North Korea. How many of our principles are we willing to obfuscate to get the result we want?
Is Mossavi a "naked decision?" If you are naked and pushed out in front of a crowd, your alternatives are limited. 1) accept your situation and stand tall; 2) Try to cover your private parts , or 3) run like hell hopefully in the right direction. While not a pleasant advent, you have minutes, or seconds to decide with little wiggle room and often a decision set in stone.
Reminds me of the story about the wounded bird. A bird is wounded and lands on the ground. A cow comes along and poops on it to keep it warm. The bird starts chirping and making noise. Soon a wolf comes along and hears the bird. The wolf removes the poop from the bird and proceeds to eat it. The lesson; it is not always your enemies that poop on you, nor is it always your friends that remove it. Be careful Iran.
White House Drafts Executive Order to Allow Indefinite Detention; Move Would Bypass Congress | Herald de Paris
I read this and again felt let down by my President. With his support of DOMA and refusal to repeal DADT, his lack of voice for civil rights issues are becoming a hindrance for me. I would feel better if he just suspended the hearings on DADT, but so far he has been silent.
Bothersome, nonetheless
Friday, June 12, 2009
Wonder Coping
I am not so naive that I thought Obama would solve all the nations problems during his tenure what ever that will be, let alone in 5 months. I guess I knew he would have to compromise on some issues and capitulate all together on others. I was willing to give it time and support him no matter. I hate "one issue voters" because they are shallow and display no attempt to accept other views. When I hear anti choice advocates say they will not support a candidate because the candidate is pro choice, I walk away. There were and are issues which Obama supports that I do not. I voted for him because I thought he could do the best job at the time. As times change, so does my choices and the reasons I make them. From campaign speeches I felt that Obama would support issues I found important, but I did make trade off on others he did not support, my choice. I weighed many of these issues and what he said with how I felt. I did not compromise my values or my beliefs, I weighed what I though important and significant on the issues. President Obama came closest what I though was right. I didn't get caught up in the first Black President euphoria, but I did get excited by the prospect of a Black man thinking as I did and running for President.
While I am not second guessing myself for it is far too late, but I have come to the conclusion that you really can not put too much faith into the words of anyone during a campaign. Oh, I knew that things were said during the moment that had no validity in real life, but lately it seems President Obama is making decisions not based on promises, but perhaps on his true feelings.
The DADT law was signed in 1993 by Bill Clinton. The DOMA was signed in 1996 by Bill Clinton. Now Bill had a republican house and senate to deal with so I will forgive him for taking the cowards way out on both those issues. Obama has a democratic house and senate and great public support, yet, he backs down from both issues. His lack of movement on DADT is most discouraging and the recent support by DOJ of the DOMA is just another slap in the face by the administration for those who fought for his election. Obama's refusal to address gun control and the huge lobbying issues in DC are other issues I take great umbrage. All of these issues were addressed during the campaign and yet he plays dodge ball with them all.
I continue to support Obama at this time because I still think he was the best choise at the time. I support most of what he has accomplished so far, and I dissagree with other issues like those above and our approach in Afghanistan, or Gitmo. I may feel differently in a year about what else he accomplishes, but I hold that it was the best choice at the time. I am coping.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Please Run Dick Run
I'm not really sure why, but for some reason I have a stick up my butt about Dick Cheney lately. I take that back, I know why, he won't go away and shut up. He has been on every major network and some Montana radio show, professing the need for torture. No not "enhanced interrogation technique's", it was torture. When you slam a person's head against a wall, stick them in small spaces and water board them, that is torture. When you perform these tasks in demand for your perceived correct answer to a question, that is enhanced torture.
There is simply no doubt in my mind that the INVASION of Iraq was planned, and the search for WMD's was a really sloppy cover up for that invasion.
A little background into...Darth Dick
Briefly, what we know. Dick received 5 deferments from military service while at the same time supporting the Vietnam war. He said he had other obligations like going to school and getting his wife pregnant.
In 1969 he was on WH staff during the Ford administration as a assistant to Donald Duck Rumsfeld. He later was WH Chief of Staff and campaign manager for Ford.
In 1976 Dick was elected to the Wyoming House of representatives and served 5 terms and went on to serve as the minority whip. Dream on Eric Cantor.
Serving only two months as Whip, HW Bush selected him as Secretary of Defense from 1989 to 1993. In Early 1990 Halliburton was awarded a contract from then, Secretary Dick to study the privatisation of routine army functions. Then Halliburton was awarded the contract to perform the work on which they had conducted the visibility study, sharp huh? What's even more enlightening into the dark Dick recesses, is that during this time as Secretary of Defense, he cut the defense budget, but gave boatloads of money to Halliburton and other private companies. which led him to the next two post. Also see
From 1993 to 1995 Dick worked for the American Enterprise Institute. Now it gets fun, AEI is a think tank dedicated to "to defend the principles and improve the institutions of American freedom and capitalism. Other notables affiliated with AEI include Newt Gingrich, Paul Wolfowitz and John Bolton. AEI is the opposite of the Brookings Institute. Where Brookings stated mission is focused on the society in general and socio economic growth and enhancement, AEI is focused on capitalism and making money. Maybe this was where Dick was truly schooled to be a profiteer.
From 1995 to 2000 Dick was chairman and CEO of Halliburton a fortune 500 company involved in oil and gas equipment and services. You figure that was the least they could do after being awarded that fat ass government contract from Secretary Dick. He resigned in July 2000 to remove any conflict of interest issues,...right. Via deferred salary and stock, Dick continued to get checks from Halliburton even after returning to the WH. Kellogg Brown & Root (KBR), was a subsidiary of Hallibuton until April 2007. KBR is the number one engineering and construction in support of our troops in the middle east. KBR was also responsible for the death of Sgt. Ryan Maseth. Maseth was electrocuted in the shower in 2007. An investigation of KBR's work found 18 soldiers had been electrocuted in the shower due to faulty wiring and improper grounding by KBR.
In early 2000 GW Bush (Dubya) asked Dick to head his VP search team, little did they know. For the second time Dick pulled off a major coup, he pretty much selected himself as the VP candidate.
After 9/11 Dick was true to form. He was secretive, evasive and demanding. It was during this period that Dick started developing the forth branch on the government, the Dick Branch. His staff refused to file required reports with the National Archives and Records Administration, he spent a lot of time in the offices of the CIA even going so far as to have his own office there. Dick refused to release documents, citing his executive privilege. He had the Vice Presidents home on the grounds of US National Observatory blurred out on google earth so it could not be seen. He went Howard Hughes on the world. His secrets had secrets. In 2007 it was discovered that at least 9 torture tapes were destroyed under Dicks direction.
Abu Zubaidah was captured in Pakistan in March 2002. Dubya, Dick and Donald Duck lauded Abu as a leader, part of the inner circle, a trainer, a recruiter, a planner, everything but the big Kahuna himself, Osama. Turns out, Abu was a clerk. Prior to being tortured by the CIA, the FBI got Abu, to give them Khalid Sheikh Mohammed 9/11 planner captured in Pakistan in March 2003, and Jose Padilla, the dirty bomber or smuck, you decide The FBI aided Abu in his recovery from gunshot wounds received during his capture, and used civilized questioning techniques.
In early 2002 the CIA took over the interrogation. The FBI agents were told that torture was approved at the highest level of the WH, including Alberto Gonzales, then the Attorney General. The FBI shit in the woods, but no one heard, and they were told to back off. The company brought in two profit seeking Psychologists, James Elmer Mitchell and Bruce Jessen to devise a torture plan. Neither nimnut had prior experience in torture but convinced Dubya and Dick that they could severe captives from their personalities and scare them to death. Oh, it did not hurt that these nimnuts were bragging about being paid $1000 a day tax free by the CIA. By this time the most important thing was to cover up the fact that the US had INVADED Iraq for no reason. There were no WMD's. Several witnesses have said that the interrogations seem to focus more on linking 9/11 to Iraq and consequently Al-Qaeda .;;
Here's part of one of the memo's authorizing torture written by Jay Bybee currently a Federal Judge. The memo is dated 8/02. by then, Abu had already been waterboarded 83 times. What is the saying about closing the gate after the horses are out. KSM was water boarded 183 times.
Who was directing this behind the scenes, Dick. Reports indicate that Dick even told Eygpt to step up their interrogation (torture) of Ibn al-Sheikh al-Libi. Dick and Rummy lead the pack on torture, the invasion ,the secrecy, the manipulation of public fear and Dubya. As much as I dislike Dubya, I think he was a patsy. Dick directed OLC to make it happen just like he did with the US attorney firings, and Valarie Plame. He said jump, people asked how high. He used nimnuts like Gonzales and Scooter Libby to do his bidding's. His dissatisfaction with Dubya for not pardoning Libby was very telling indeed. Recently Dick was asked if Dubya knew about the torture, he hesitated then said, "I assume, I'm sure he knew. He was the president," hell Joe Bob I'm convinced.
Five deferments, AEI, Chief of Staff, minority whip, secretary of defense, Halliburton and VP. I see a conscious deliberate calculated course to where he really wanted to be. In power but behind the curtain. Fear, greed and secrecy were his beacons, power was his sword. The American people lived in fear all through 2002 and 2003 because we were being told by our leaders that the boogie man had hit our shores once, and were planning to hit it again. We were attacked in our homeland by Al Q, Saddam Hussein and they had WMD's in Iraq. We had had police mandated curfews in some of the larger cities due to riots or protests, but nothing like this. There were camouflage painted huge Hummers parked on streets, at bridges and monuments, national guardsman on alert, and color coded alerts. People from mid-eastern countries were beaten, treated horrendously and looked at with hate. Now he's back and stirring up that same fear and hate in an attempt to validate his hate of America.
It has been said that America is a melting pot. Not so, America is stir fry that tastes better when all the ingredients and seasonings are blended together. Where, Blacks, Whites, Asian, Hispanics, Jews, Buddhist, Atheists, Agnostic, Pagans, Christians, Muslims, gays, and non gays, all present a culinary delight for those choosing to partake.
What really turns my stomach is that I know that none of these people will ever spend a moment behind bars. None of these people will honor the American people with retribution. Some may lose a little money, prestige maybe a job opportunity, but nothing compared to what they have done to this country. Some will get pardoned, some we'll never see again but none will pay appropriately. So, I say run Darth Dick run. Run away to an undisclosed location never to be seen again. Please
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Bad Day
President Obama absolved CIA officers from prosecution for harsh, painful interrogation of terror suspects. I thought when he released the Bush memos on interrogation, that the country would get some satisfaction and justice against Bush officials, ah, tis not to be. John Yoo and Jay Bybee did the job they were paid for. Once again the law is twisted and manipulated to accomplish something beyond the scope and America looks bad to the world. We are not perfect, but when we mutilate our own laws and twist to our benefit the mountain of morals we sit so high on, we loose as a nation. Two thoughts came to mind when I heard this; Gerald Ford pardoning Richard Nixon and Lieutenant Willaim Calley after My Lai. Dark days in US history both. Nixon lied, stole and out right abused power beyond thought and got pardoned. Calley was convicted for premeditated murder of over 100 vietnamese and spent 3 1/2 years under house arrest. Over 500 women, children, elderly and infants were maimed, raped and slaughtered at his command. Calley said he was following orders. He's free now.
The second issue for me was that President Obama decided to let lapse the U.S. assault weapons ban but will step up enforcement of laws banning the transfer of such guns across the border.
Obama said during the campaign that he would seek renewal of the ban. Word is such a move would be unpopular in politically key U.S. states and among Republicans as well as some conservative Democrats. I would like to gather in a room all the of the relatives of the 14 people in Binghamton, the 5 people in LA, 6 in Carthage, 11 in Samsome the 4 police officers in Oakland and the 3 police officers in Pittsburgh. I would like these same politicians to exlain to these people why it is not politcally convient to restrict assault weapons. I would like them to explain why the NRA is a powerful lobby that has them all by the short hairs. I would like them to expalin to the slain officers children that the constitution says Americans have the right to have and bear arms for self defense, but none of these deaths were acts of self defense. I would like them to explain to these same children and wives that their loved ones are in a better place. All of these deaths took place within a month in the United States of America. Jiverly Wong in Binghamton fired 98 times. Gun control, is an issue to be addressed.
The third and final piece that set me off on the road to heart burn today was just prior to leaving office Bush signed drilling leases for drilling along the coast in California. President Obama is said to be considering the leases. Some of us still cringe at the 1969 oil spill off of the California coast. Between migrating whales, seabirds, crabs, and fish along the western coast, not to mention the beaches and peoples lives drilling will impact with increased shipping. The proximity to, how many major faults running up and down the lanes should be enough make anyone shiver if they could see beyond the dollar signs. What does make me feel pretty good is the the governors of all three west coast states are fighting the drilling.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
am/pm showers
I was having drinks with some folks last night and the subject of morning versus night time showers generated a very lively discussion. There were moments of levity, one caustic comment, several humorous antidotes and lots of hygiene hyperbole.
My preference is a morning shower. I like starting the day feeling clean, moisturized and refreshed. At night I brush my teeth so little germ condos don't construct in my mouth as a result of my daily debauchery of culinary delights. I wash my face at night and use moisturizing lotion because I have notoriously dry skin. My Dad use to say if I jumped in the ocean, I'd absorb most of the water. No chance of that idiom coming true because I can not swim, and I've almost drown twice in my life. I love playing in water as long as I can stand up, but at 4'11" that limits where I can indulge.
Once a week I love putting on fresh jammies and crawling into a fresh set of sheets, so on that one night (usually a Saturday), I shower at night. Most everyone at the table thought I blew my morning shower theory because of that one nighttime shower. If I don't work on Saturdays, I physically do something like cleaning, grocery shopping, going out and about. Sunday is my day to imitate a slug and truthfully, I may not shower on Sunday, so my Saturday night shower and clean sheets are really indulgent and necessary.
On the other side of this stimulating discussion was night time showers washes away all the germs, dry skin cells and yuk of the day. Most floating dust particles are dead skin cells, right? Put that way, it really does sound kind of disgusting, right? Appealing to the hedonistic part of me, the night folks did point out a night shower is so very relaxing and conducive to a better nights sleep. But, the more I thought about the various ways I can "relax" before going to sleep, well, let's just say I was not convinced.
So, morning shower to start the day off fresh, night shower to wash off the day? I guess what ever works for you.
Monday, March 2, 2009
Independent Party Animal Symbol

I was wondering why there wasn't a symbol or totem for the Independent Party? I wondered about the origins of the symbols for the two major political parties in the US, the donkey and the elephant.. It turns out they were both figments of the imagination of cartoonist Thomas Nast in 1874. Thank goodness the original Whig party no longer exist, can you imagine the cartoons today. Abe Lincoln was a Whig leader in Illinois. In 2008 the Modern Whig Party was born. What made this group interesting to me was that most of it's leaders were ex-vets. I decided all by myself, I might add, that there should be an animal totem for the Independent Party.
Even more interesting to me is that Native Americans believe the Elephant stands for; strength, power, affection, loyalty, royalty, and wisdom,...makes ya think. Never mind that the elephant is not even indigenous to America. Reports are that Nast chose the elephant because of it's size, intelligence, strength, and dignity. Nast was a republican. The democrats simply said the elephant depicted the republicans as impossibly large, foolish and bloated.
There is no Native American symbolic meaning for the donkey, just the horse, which just ain't the same. There is a reference in a Chinese sex novel, "Jin Ping Mei" regarding the donkey but we are not going there. Donkeys on the other hand are known for their stubbornness, foolishness, loudness and unintelligent behavior. It's said that after being called a "jackass" so often by the republicans, Andrew Jackson decided to accept the donkey as his symbol. For a time the democratic party used the rooster as it's symbol. I found references from the Celtics to several far eastern communities that as a totem, the rooster symbolises pride, honesty, courage and vigilance.
The Modern Whig Party uses a red, white and blue owl. The owl is associated with wisdom, truth, patience. I am not sure what animal the original Whig party used if any.
The Independent/Independence Party
The word, "Independent" has been used over the years to come to mean not democratic or republican. If there were to be totem or symbol it would have to encompass ideologies ranging from the extreme left to the extreme right. There is the American Independent Party, America's Independent Party, The Independence Party of New York and Minnesota, and the Independent Green Party of Virginia just to name a few. Third parties are more often than not formed by some really pissed off individuals wanting to make a statement separate from one of the major parties. These parties frequently are formed in response to specific "Base" issues such as, taxes, abortion, immigration, gun control, on-going issues all. For example, the original Whig party separated out due to their belief that Congress should reign supreme over the executive branch and supported economic protectionism. The Libertarian party formed in 1971, believe in total individual liberty. Libertarians are pro-drug legalization, pro-choice, pro-gay marriage, pro-home schooling, and anti-gun control. They support total economic freedom and are anti-welfare, anti-government regulation of business, anti-minimum wage, anti-income tax, but are very pro-free trade. Go figure.
In 2000 The Independence Party split off from the Reform Party over "Base" issues and huge ego's. A fine time was had by Ross Perot, Jessie Ventura and toward it's demise, Pat Buchanan. Now if that is not an example of democracy at it's finest, one does not exist. A billionaire obsessed with protectionism and taxes, an ex-wrestler concerned with social issues and a religion based extreme right winger concerned with power.
I guess an Independent symbol would have to be something wise, strong, large, independent, patient, truthful, proud, dignified, intelligent, loyal, courageous and vigilant. I should not forget patriotic. Patriotism is the one attribute that every party claims. Hmm, animals don't know that.
Sunday, March 1, 2009
What Conservatism means to ...

It is not his accomplishments I take issue with, it is his ownership of some mighty fine principles. Now I have not read Jon boys book, nor do I intend to. He did make the following statement during an interview:
"A lot of people say to me, 'oh, you're a Republican.' And I say, 'No, I'm a conservative.' I'm a Republican when I support candidates. When I talk about the party I'm affiliated with I'm a Republican. But when it comes to what I am, I'm a conservative."
I've read that statement several times and I keep coming up with different conclusions. I guess you can be a republican without being conservative, conversely, can you be a liberal conservative.? I love political pegging, don't you? What I do see, is Jon boy is conservative leaning toward republican bilge. To accommodate Jon boy, I shall refer to this view as the conpublicans
1) Respect of the Constitution - Richard Nixon was the one that said 'if the president does it, it is not illegal. Dick was suppose to be a conpublican. Conservative values can find home in a Democratic platform. The difference historically is that Dem conservative values effect a larger portion of society. The Constitution has never been as raped, pillaged, ignored or bastardised under any administration as it was under GW Bush, and Ronald Reagan, with Dick a close third. If by respecting the Constitution Jon boy means following it to the letter, and allowing the process to work, then, no, conpublicans have not met the standard. Respecting the constituition means allowing the checks and balances set forth in the subject document to work. Using signing papers to gut a constitutionally established law or bill is not showing respect. Bush ignored military rules and regulations, affirmative-action provisions, requirements that Congress be told about immigration services problems, ''whistle-blower" protections for nuclear regulatory officials, and safeguards against political interference in federally funded research. Under no circumstances or interpretation does the constitution allow for the disregard as shown by the Bush and Cheney regime. The Constitution sets forth the sestablisment of three branches of government, not four to increase the power base of a deranged VP. Now we find out they destroyed 92 tapes of interrogations involving torture. Karl Rove has consistently ignored Federal subpoenas regarding his role in firing those that did not agree, illegal wiretaps on citizens, the numerous signing papers expanding not only his authority but Cheney as well. Grade F
2) Respect for Life - I think this means to take ownership of the anti-abortion view the conpublicans have taken. I refuse to call it pro-life because I am pro-life and pro-choice, and it IS a women's right. To say that conpublicans are respectful of all human kind is just ludicrous and to say they respect all life, is absolutely not true so it must be the abortion issue. It certainly does not mean the conpublicans respect the lives of those they are suppose to represent. Among the laws Bush said he can ignore are military rules and regulations, affirmative-action provisions, requirements that Congress be told about immigration services problems, ''whistle-blower" protections for nuclear regulatory officials, and safeguards against political interference in federally funded research. These are not the actions of a person that respects anything but himself. Grade - F
3)Small government - Government should not be the all knowing, all seeing benevolent creator and sustenance of life as we know it. I do not believe that is what democrats want, nor is it what the people expect. However, we do expect, no, demand better support from our government than received after Katrina. There are 15 departments in the administration not including EPA, OMB, Drug Control and Trade. The last two to be added were done so by republican presidents Reagan, Vet affairs 1989, and Bush, Homeland security 2002. The purpose of these offices and of our government is to provide for a safe well maintained prosperous land on which we dwell. The size does not matter as much as the efficiency as has been proven time and time again. When contracts are awarded to private companies the over site must be flawless. When services are provided they must be provided to deserving citizens. When laws are enacted they must apply to all. When the health and welfare of the citizen takes second place to profit for the few, it must be stopped. If these things can be done with fewer departments, then so be it, but do not cut out the heart of the middle class and poor to support the life styles of the rich. This is what conservative values have done in the past, it does not mean that this is what being conservative should be. The GOVERNMENT, (democrats and republicans) destroyed the financial regulations, and over sites which exacerbated the current crisis, it is only fair the government help clean it up. People loss retirement funds and had nothing to do with the housing market, where would the conpublicans put them? McCain wanted to privatize social security and invest SS money in that same failed market. Everyday citizens loss jobs and money. Everyday citizens not directly involved in the failure of this country have been caught in the middle of politicians and wall street. Conservatives want to cut taxes of the rich to help the poor. Learn from the past, Reaganomics did not work! It was greed plan and simple and history should not be re-written to the satisfaction of either party. Grade - F
4)Personal Responsibility - Expecting government assistance during times of duress is not weak, or irresponsible, nor does that mean you are a slacker. Most people just want to be given equal footing, respect, opportunities, equal facilities, education, health care and civil rights protected equality. Generally, people do not want the government in their business. Trite but true, folks don't want a hand out, but some may need a hand up. Get off the soap box conpublicans, you are wrong. I wonder, by conpublican standards, what is acceptable to expect from your government? Grade F
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Thursday, February 26, 2009

Anyway, my Henrietta is a Meade etx125 ec Maksutov-Cassegrain telescope sans UHTC or SmartFinder. Small enough to be pretty mobile but with a 1900mm focal length and a 127mm apeture, we do just fine. Great for photography day or night.