Thursday, July 16, 2009

Maddow v. Buchanan v SCOTUS

I wonder who hasn't seen this video, and why not.
The Political Carnival: VIDEO: Maddow v. Buchanan on Sotomayor hearings, race. 2 words: No contest.

I was going to rant and rave about all the inconsistencies and bold face lies in Pat's racist ramblings, then figured I was better than that. What I will say is that in my research I found that Blacks have fought valiantly in EVERY war this country was involved in, including Normandy. Blacks were slaves when the US constitution was written and not even considered citizens, yet they fought for this country.
It was not that Pat ignored these facts, but that others out there not as intelligent as, not as influential, not as recognized believe his rantings, and for that I say shame on Pat, shame on America. All the work of the civil rights movement is being ignored. All the advances, points made are being buried in hateful rantings of a failed 2x Presidential candidate.
This is not the first time Pat's rantings has uncovered more of his racist views. While huffing for his book "State of Emergency" he said, " I'd like the country I grew up in. It was a good country. I lived in Washington D.C. - 400,000 black folks, 400,000 white folks, in a country 89 or 90 percent whites. I like that country." When asked if that was the way he wanted to keep it, he said no. He went on to say that people should not alter the composition without consulting the American people. While I am not sure how that would work in today's society, I am quite sure it would be a demagoguery mess.
Affirmative has been and will continue t be an issue in this country. What Pat fails to accept, not recognize but accept is Sotomayor may have been a AA baby, but she epitomizes the reason why a hand up is sometimes necessary. If schools, resources, teachers, books, classrooms, are not on equal ground, a student given a little assistance can go a long way. Grants, scholarships, work study programs are available only to so many students. Even then, the challenges facing minority students are not on equal ground with white conterparts. Yes things have improved, but if in 2009, there are still those that feel all is right with our educational system, shame on America. In the time of cutbacks, schools taking a 10% cut in some districts, does not have the same impact as in another district. In this, I do not mean white versus black, but with and without.

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