Thursday, July 9, 2009

Why Ask The Question

Does Racism Still Exist?
I wonder, why even ask the question?

This article appeared in the Huffington Post on 7/9/09
Ian Millhiser: Sessions Uses Sotomayor as a Pawn in His Lifelong Crusade Against Civil Rights

Another article was in The Nation and posted on 7/9/09
Racism at the Pool
A group of Black and Latino youngsters in Philadelphia, PA are denied access to the pool at the Valley Swim Club because " There was concern that a lot of kids would change the complexion...and the atmosphere of the club." It didn't matter to the club that the day camp these kids attended had arranged for the swim day, and had paid $1900 to swim with white people.
It isn't so much that the question is still being asked, but that some seem to think the election of President Obama would change the answer.
We have one (well kinda) Black Supreme Court Justice, we've had two Black Secretary of State (well kinda), we have one Black Senator, (well kinda), we've had four Black Governors. Why is the question still be asked?
Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III of Alabama has the answer, ask him.

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