Thursday, October 1, 2009

The Booger Lobby

I hate lobbyist, and lobbying. Why are they booger? They are boogers because they are sticky and no matter how hard you flick them they still stick. Do not misunderstand me, this disdain I have for lobbying IS NOT restricted to the right, it includes lobbyist on the left. "One Person, One vote" is the election mandate in this country. Lobbyist erode the process.

I don't know about you, but I can not and would not pay my congressional representatives as incentive to do what is right. I have attended rallies, gone door to door, given seniors rides to the polls, donated what money I could afford, worked late into the night to get them elected. Why should I have to "lobby" them to do what they promised, what I elected them to do? So no matter how hard I work to get them elected, all it takes is a big fat check to void my efforts.

An organization or business is not and individual regardless of what the SCOTUS may decide. By allowing businesses to have influence in Congress via lobbying, legislation is diluted to profit. The people, the voters, the people paying their salaries, the people living with the consequences, are further minimized in the Democratic process. This is the process we've hung onto and faulted others for not allowing to prosper within their boarders. We have invaded other countries and criticized them for not being Democratic. How can we criticize foreign elections or processes when ours is so manipulated by greed and the the dollar. One Person, One Vote.
The current Health Insurance reform debate is a prime example of the mutilation of the system by lobbyist.

What do health insurers believe campaign contributions will net them in Congress' health care reform debate?

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