Thursday, October 1, 2009

Put Down the Pen, Raise the Sword

Many, including myself, have faulted President Obama for being too pragmatic. We've wondered about his insistence on including the naysayers, racist, and harbingers of hate in discussions of public policy. Personally, I have chided myself often for over thinking issues to ad nauseam and as a manager of others, sometimes it works to my detriment.
Democrats won the election right? Democrats currently hold both houses and the Presidency, right?
For the first 6 years of his administration, Dubya's house had at it's peak a +31 advantage in Congress and a +10 advantage in the Senate. Legislation passed during those years include:
The Invasion of Iraq; The patriot Act; No Child Left Behind;
Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2001; The Jobs and Growth Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2003; The Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act; The Unborn Victims of Violence Act of 2004; The Medicare Prescription Drug (billion dollar baby), Improvement, and Modernization Act; The Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act; and, established The Department of Homeland Security in 2002.
After the 2006 election the 110th Congress, Democrats went up 233/202 in the House and 51/49 in the Senate. Long story short, no, the republicans continued on their march to rightsideville. The only mentionable legislation was the
U.S Troop Readiness, Veterans' Care, Katrina Recovery and Iraq Accountability Appropriations Act, 2007. This bill had more riders on it than a major city transit bus.
After 2008 election the Democrats gained even more seats and went up 256/177 in the House, and 60/40 in the Senate. Now we're going to get some legislation more citizen friendly...right? Eh, somewhat.
My point is, when Republicans are in control of both houses and the White House, the rich prosper. Democrats in control of all three,...the rich prosper. Am I getting frustrated, yes. Are others getting frustrated, yes. Have I given up, not completely, but I have weakened. Maybe the Democrats need a Newt Gingrich in the Senate because my faith in Harry Reid is fading.
I sometimes wonder if it is just too early in his administration to get frustrated with Obama and Congress, but the ripples in the sand propel me forward. I've worked on campaigns in the pass, but not as hard as I did for Obama (after I decided to support him over Hillary).
I understand and accept his desire to work for peace, and to have an inclusive administration. I recognize the need to work with the opposition and make concessions in an effort to gain ground on the many issues facing the US. I get it, really, I do. Oh, wait, what has he gained from the right? Well, let's see they demanded concessions on TARP, and the budget, he conceded, they voted against him anyway. The health care debate has about driven me insane with the backstabbing and posturing. One day republicans like Chuck
Grassley are willing to work with Democrats, the next day he's regurgitating the death panel lie. Yet, Obama turns around and publicly thanks Grassley for his cooperation. I appreciate Obama' efforts to work with the republicans, really, but that change is not going to happen. After eight years of Dubya pushing through legislation, invading countries, stomping on citizen rights and just being a jerk, I appreciate Obama because he has attempted to work with the opposition. Really, I appreciate the effort, but the result is they are not willing and I agree with Bill Maher ( I would like to see him bitch slap a couple of the bluedogs and smack Bachus around a little. Tell the republicans to either help row or get off the damn ship. Work from the bully pulpit to push health care reform. Take tips from Dubya and push legislation through for the good of the country. I appreciate that he thinks things through and doesn't have knee jerk reactions as Dubya did. My appreciation and many like me have limits.

I say, put down the pen and raise the sword. I would not at all be surprised if Obama is a one term president, not by the vote but by design. I think he has an agenda and he has given himself 4 years. While that opinion would be sad, it would not surprise me to see the Democrats struggling to find a replacement.

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