Thursday, August 27, 2009

Race not Reason

Inhofe: I'll Vote Against Reform Without Reading Bill

Rex Rammell, Idaho GOPer, Jokes About Hunting Obama

Race-Based Protests Directed At Obama Continue To Rise

Secret Service Interviewed Pastor Who Prays For Obama's Death

These are just four of the most recent headlines that are proving to be very disturbing, yet constant over the past 8 months. There have been worse comparing our President to Nazi's, socialist, communists, Satan, and the anti-Christ. He's been accused of building his own army, planning to kill old people, not being a citizen, being a Muslim, being a racist and destroying America. The biggie for some is he's planning to take away their guns and put insurance companies out of business and eliminate medicare.
Is all this hate because he is Black? Are all these lies rooted in the deep racist neighborhoods that had been laying dormant all these years? Will this country ever be rid of race based politics? Since when was it acceptable for a gubernatorial candidate to joke about hunting the President with a gun? Why is it okay for a US Senator to publicly say he was going to vote a bill down without reading it simply because media says he should? This is the same media that supports deathers, birthers, teabaggers, and gun toters. This is the same media that has the likes of Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reilly, and Glen Beck. Sad

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