Sunday, June 28, 2009

REPORTS: Exiled Iranian Crown Prince seeks Israeli backing for opposition | Herald de Paris

REPORTS: Exiled Iranian Crown Prince seeks Israeli backing for opposition Herald de Paris

I have to wonder if we are the "manipulator" or the "manipulatee" on this one. Our history in back door politics is well documented in several countries. I've asked this before, is Mossavi the right answer or just convenient? Is the CIA involved in Iran politics? Are people in the streets of Iran being killed, tazed, gassed and beaten to resolve an unsolvable internal situation? I really hate the idea that I am questioning my countries involvement in another countries politics. At this point there is no evidence indicating US involvement regardless of accusations from Ahmadinejad or Kohemini. Iran is a threat and must be contained, but so is North Korea. How many of our principles are we willing to obfuscate to get the result we want?
Is Mossavi a "naked decision?" If you are naked and pushed out in front of a crowd, your alternatives are limited. 1) accept your situation and stand tall; 2) Try to cover your private parts , or 3) run like hell hopefully in the right direction. While not a pleasant advent, you have minutes, or seconds to decide with little wiggle room and often a decision set in stone.
Reminds me of the story about the wounded bird. A bird is wounded and lands on the ground. A cow comes along and poops on it to keep it warm. The bird starts chirping and making noise. Soon a wolf comes along and hears the bird. The wolf removes the poop from the bird and proceeds to eat it. The lesson; it is not always your enemies that poop on you, nor is it always your friends that remove it. Be careful Iran.

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