Saturday, March 14, 2009

am/pm showers

I was Wondering:
I was having drinks with some folks last night and the subject of morning versus night time showers generated a very lively discussion. There were moments of levity, one caustic comment, several humorous antidotes and lots of hygiene hyperbole.

My preference is a morning shower. I like starting the day feeling clean, moisturized and refreshed. At night I brush my teeth so little germ condos don't construct in my mouth as a result of my daily debauchery of culinary delights. I wash my face at night and use moisturizing lotion because I have notoriously dry skin. My Dad use to say if I jumped in the ocean, I'd absorb most of the water. No chance of that idiom coming true because I can not swim, and I've almost drown twice in my life. I love playing in water as long as I can stand up, but at 4'11" that limits where I can indulge.

Once a week I love putting on fresh jammies and crawling into a fresh set of sheets, so on that one night (usually a Saturday), I shower at night. Most everyone at the table thought I blew my morning shower theory because of that one nighttime shower. If I don't work on Saturdays, I physically do something like cleaning, grocery shopping, going out and about. Sunday is my day to imitate a slug and truthfully, I may not shower on Sunday, so my Saturday night shower and clean sheets are really indulgent and necessary.

On the other side of this stimulating discussion was night time showers washes away all the germs, dry skin cells and yuk of the day. Most floating dust particles are dead skin cells, right? Put that way, it really does sound kind of disgusting, right? Appealing to the hedonistic part of me, the night folks did point out a night shower is so very relaxing and conducive to a better nights sleep. But, the more I thought about the various ways I can "relax" before going to sleep, well, let's just say I was not convinced.

So, morning shower to start the day off fresh, night shower to wash off the day? I guess what ever works for you.

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