Thursday, April 16, 2009

Bad Day

I was Wondering why today was really a horrible day for news. Three things in the headlines gave me head ache.

President Obama absolved CIA officers from prosecution for harsh, painful interrogation of terror suspects. I thought when he released the Bush memos on interrogation, that the country would get some satisfaction and justice against Bush officials, ah, tis not to be. John Yoo and Jay Bybee did the job they were paid for. Once again the law is twisted and manipulated to accomplish something beyond the scope and America looks bad to the world. We are not perfect, but when we mutilate our own laws and twist to our benefit the mountain of morals we sit so high on, we loose as a nation. Two thoughts came to mind when I heard this; Gerald Ford pardoning Richard Nixon and Lieutenant Willaim Calley after My Lai. Dark days in US history both. Nixon lied, stole and out right abused power beyond thought and got pardoned. Calley was convicted for premeditated murder of over 100 vietnamese and spent 3 1/2 years under house arrest. Over 500 women, children, elderly and infants were maimed, raped and slaughtered at his command. Calley said he was following orders. He's free now.

The second issue for me was that President Obama decided to let lapse the U.S. assault weapons ban but will step up enforcement of laws banning the transfer of such guns across the border.
Obama said during the campaign that he would seek renewal of the ban. Word is such a move would be unpopular in politically key U.S. states and among Republicans as well as some conservative Democrats. I would like to gather in a room all the of the relatives of the 14 people in Binghamton, the 5 people in LA, 6 in Carthage, 11 in Samsome the 4 police officers in Oakland and the 3 police officers in Pittsburgh. I would like these same politicians to exlain to these people why it is not politcally convient to restrict assault weapons. I would like them to explain why the NRA is a powerful lobby that has them all by the short hairs. I would like them to expalin to the slain officers children that the constitution says Americans have the right to have and bear arms for self defense, but none of these deaths were acts of self defense. I would like them to explain to these same children and wives that their loved ones are in a better place. All of these deaths took place within a month in the United States of America. Jiverly Wong in Binghamton fired 98 times. Gun control, is an issue to be addressed.

The third and final piece that set me off on the road to heart burn today was just prior to leaving office Bush signed drilling leases for drilling along the coast in California. President Obama is said to be considering the leases. Some of us still cringe at the 1969 oil spill off of the California coast. Between migrating whales, seabirds, crabs, and fish along the western coast, not to mention the beaches and peoples lives drilling will impact with increased shipping. The proximity to, how many major faults running up and down the lanes should be enough make anyone shiver if they could see beyond the dollar signs. What does make me feel pretty good is the the governors of all three west coast states are fighting the drilling.

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