Saturday, May 16, 2009

Please Run Dick Run

I was Wondering:
I'm not really sure why, but for some reason I have a stick up my butt about Dick Cheney lately. I take that back, I know why, he won't go away and shut up. He has been on every major network and some Montana radio show, professing the need for torture. No not "enhanced interrogation technique's", it was torture. When you slam a person's head against a wall, stick them in small spaces and water board them, that is torture. When you perform these tasks in demand for your perceived correct answer to a question, that is enhanced torture.
There is simply no doubt in my mind that the INVASION of Iraq was planned, and the search for WMD's was a really sloppy cover up for that invasion.

A little background into...Darth Dick

Briefly, what we know. Dick received 5 deferments from military service while at the same time supporting the Vietnam war. He said he had other obligations like going to school and getting his wife pregnant.
In 1969 he was on WH staff during the Ford administration as a assistant to Donald Duck Rumsfeld. He later was WH Chief of Staff and campaign manager for Ford.

In 1976 Dick was elected to the Wyoming House of representatives and served 5 terms and went on to serve as the minority whip. Dream on Eric Cantor.
Serving only two months as Whip, HW Bush selected him as Secretary of Defense from 1989 to 1993. In Early 1990 Halliburton was awarded a contract from then, Secretary Dick to study the privatisation of routine army functions. Then Halliburton was awarded the contract to perform the work on which they had conducted the visibility study, sharp huh? What's even more enlightening into the dark Dick recesses, is that during this time as Secretary of Defense, he cut the defense budget, but gave boatloads of money to Halliburton and other private companies. which led him to the next two post. Also see
From 1993 to 1995 Dick worked for the American Enterprise Institute. Now it gets fun, AEI is a think tank dedicated to "to defend the principles and improve the institutions of American freedom and capitalism. Other notables affiliated with AEI include Newt Gingrich, Paul Wolfowitz and John Bolton. AEI is the opposite of the Brookings Institute. Where Brookings stated mission is focused on the society in general and socio economic growth and enhancement, AEI is focused on capitalism and making money. Maybe this was where Dick was truly schooled to be a profiteer.
From 1995 to 2000 Dick was chairman and CEO of Halliburton a fortune 500 company involved in oil and gas equipment and services. You figure that was the least they could do after being awarded that fat ass government contract from Secretary Dick. He resigned in July 2000 to remove any conflict of interest issues,...right. Via deferred salary and stock, Dick continued to get checks from Halliburton even after returning to the WH. Kellogg Brown & Root (KBR), was a subsidiary of Hallibuton until April 2007. KBR is the number one engineering and construction in support of our troops in the middle east. KBR was also responsible for the death of Sgt. Ryan Maseth. Maseth was electrocuted in the shower in 2007. An investigation of KBR's work found 18 soldiers had been electrocuted in the shower due to faulty wiring and improper grounding by KBR.
In early 2000 GW Bush (Dubya) asked Dick to head his VP search team, little did they know. For the second time Dick pulled off a major coup, he pretty much selected himself as the VP candidate.
After 9/11 Dick was true to form. He was secretive, evasive and demanding. It was during this period that Dick started developing the forth branch on the government, the Dick Branch. His staff refused to file required reports with the National Archives and Records Administration, he spent a lot of time in the offices of the CIA even going so far as to have his own office there. Dick refused to release documents, citing his executive privilege. He had the Vice Presidents home on the grounds of US National Observatory blurred out on google earth so it could not be seen. He went Howard Hughes on the world. His secrets had secrets. In 2007 it was discovered that at least 9 torture tapes were destroyed under Dicks direction.
Abu Zubaidah was captured in Pakistan in March 2002. Dubya, Dick and Donald Duck lauded Abu as a leader, part of the inner circle, a trainer, a recruiter, a planner, everything but the big Kahuna himself, Osama. Turns out, Abu was a clerk. Prior to being tortured by the CIA, the FBI got Abu, to give them Khalid Sheikh Mohammed 9/11 planner captured in Pakistan in March 2003, and Jose Padilla, the dirty bomber or smuck, you decide The FBI aided Abu in his recovery from gunshot wounds received during his capture, and used civilized questioning techniques.
In early 2002 the CIA took over the interrogation. The FBI agents were told that torture was approved at the highest level of the WH, including Alberto Gonzales, then the Attorney General. The FBI shit in the woods, but no one heard, and they were told to back off. The company brought in two profit seeking Psychologists, James Elmer Mitchell and Bruce Jessen to devise a torture plan. Neither nimnut had prior experience in torture but convinced Dubya and Dick that they could severe captives from their personalities and scare them to death. Oh, it did not hurt that these nimnuts were bragging about being paid $1000 a day tax free by the CIA. By this time the most important thing was to cover up the fact that the US had INVADED Iraq for no reason. There were no WMD's. Several witnesses have said that the interrogations seem to focus more on linking 9/11 to Iraq and consequently Al-Qaeda .;;
Here's part of one of the memo's authorizing torture written by Jay Bybee currently a Federal Judge. The memo is dated 8/02. by then, Abu had already been waterboarded 83 times. What is the saying about closing the gate after the horses are out. KSM was water boarded 183 times.
Who was directing this behind the scenes, Dick. Reports indicate that Dick even told Eygpt to step up their interrogation (torture) of Ibn al-Sheikh al-Libi. Dick and Rummy lead the pack on torture, the invasion ,the secrecy, the manipulation of public fear and Dubya. As much as I dislike Dubya, I think he was a patsy. Dick directed OLC to make it happen just like he did with the US attorney firings, and Valarie Plame. He said jump, people asked how high. He used nimnuts like Gonzales and Scooter Libby to do his bidding's. His dissatisfaction with Dubya for not pardoning Libby was very telling indeed. Recently Dick was asked if Dubya knew about the torture, he hesitated then said, "I assume, I'm sure he knew. He was the president," hell Joe Bob I'm convinced.
Five deferments, AEI, Chief of Staff, minority whip, secretary of defense, Halliburton and VP. I see a conscious deliberate calculated course to where he really wanted to be. In power but behind the curtain. Fear, greed and secrecy were his beacons, power was his sword. The American people lived in fear all through 2002 and 2003 because we were being told by our leaders that the boogie man had hit our shores once, and were planning to hit it again. We were attacked in our homeland by Al Q, Saddam Hussein and they had WMD's in Iraq. We had had police mandated curfews in some of the larger cities due to riots or protests, but nothing like this. There were camouflage painted huge Hummers parked on streets, at bridges and monuments, national guardsman on alert, and color coded alerts. People from mid-eastern countries were beaten, treated horrendously and looked at with hate. Now he's back and stirring up that same fear and hate in an attempt to validate his hate of America.

It has been said that America is a melting pot. Not so, America is stir fry that tastes better when all the ingredients and seasonings are blended together. Where, Blacks, Whites, Asian, Hispanics, Jews, Buddhist, Atheists, Agnostic, Pagans, Christians, Muslims, gays, and non gays, all present a culinary delight for those choosing to partake.

What really turns my stomach is that I know that none of these people will ever spend a moment behind bars. None of these people will honor the American people with retribution. Some may lose a little money, prestige maybe a job opportunity, but nothing compared to what they have done to this country. Some will get pardoned, some we'll never see again but none will pay appropriately. So, I say run Darth Dick run. Run away to an undisclosed location never to be seen again. Please

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