Sunday, November 29, 2009

Out Damn Spot and Take Palin With You

Why are we still discussing Palin? What is so interesting or news worthy about this person? Since the election in November 2008 she televised the brutal murder of turkeys, had several televised word wars with her daughters boy friend and David Letterman, she quit her job, supported losing GOP candidates when she didn't even know what they supported, parroted GOP talking points, put her name on a book someone else wrote, whined, shifted blame and signed autographs. As they say, "Where's the beef?"
I just don't get it. Any thoughts she's had were given to her by her "advisers." She's being used and she doesn't even realize. Palin is an empty vessel being filled by the Dick Armeys of the GOP. She knows nothing of national politics and her catch phrase is "cut taxes so businesses can keep what they earn." That top down economics worked so well in the past, right? Palin would be another Dubya. Dubya was manipulated before elected, and throughout most of his administration. I would guess Palin and Dubya have about the same IQ, low end of the gene pool. What substantive thoughts has she contributed to ANY debate? What has she offered to health care reform, Afghanistan, Iraq, the national debt, (except the tax thing and that's a worn out 45 rpm), education, poverty, global warming or diplomacy. The whole drill baby drill thing was wrong on so many levels. Fortunately President Obama has not, so far, given into that way of thinking.
I just really don't get the media attention. Kill the spot light, turn the mic off and please leave us in the dark. I do not want to go through the next three years hearing the soapbox opera life of Palin, really, I don't. If she declares her candidacy or does something SUBSTANTIVE then okay. Personally she is a distraction, an annoyance, the chicken head eating freak in the circus, a mosquito in my ear, a train wreck I don't want to hear about until it happens. Out damn spot. Who in the media is bold enough to pour the stain remover on her smear?

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