Monday, January 23, 2012

Why Keystone?

I am not ignoring the definite damage that the CO2 from a tar sand pipeline will spew into our environment. I am not minimizing the devastation that can be caused by an oil spill or leaks to the aquifer and the soil. I understand that jobs coming from keystone will be minimum wage and temporary. TransCanada will be bringing in their current highly paid full time employees. We recognize that refineries on the Gulf Coast are located in foreign trade zones, which means TC can export Canadian oil to the world market without paying U.S. taxes. We acknowledge that the pipeline will result in gasoline price increases for the mid-west and tar sands will be exported not for US use. We discovered that the speaker of the US House of representatives is personally invested in companies involved in Keystone. Finally, we know that TC could not even give us the manufacturing of the pipes. The pipes were made in India. If they could have assembled the pipeline elsewhere like lego’s and sat it down in the US, I think they would have. We have more to learn, yet we do not minimize, nor ignore, we recognize, understand, and acknowledge XL is bad for the US…why are we still discussing it?

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