Monday, June 27, 2011

Congratulations To New York

I am so happy for New York State. As a Californian I was arrogant enough to believe that we would be the first the populist states. I am not belittling the accomplishments of any of the previous 6 states that got it done the right way. I guess it's a east/west thing. Not really. I will say that there were a lot of people this past pride week-end that were pumped about getting involved in the fight. I went to events in Sacramento, San Francisco and San Jose the folks were excited about the issue...again.
In my humble opinion we failed on three fronts money, Utah and god. Pro prop 8 spent a ton of money from Utah spreading lies. They scared the uninformed into believing churches would forced to marry same sex couples. Businesses would be closed, schools would have have to teach homo-cation, chaos would prevail.

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