Thursday, April 1, 2010

Bill Donohue: 'There's A Connection Between Homosexuality And Sexual Abuse Of Minors'

NOTE: Written in April 2010, but I left it in draft (oops). Still current

The rationale in his comments escape me no matter where I search in my personal psyche.
It has been proven numerous times, in numerous studies and interviews that pedophilia is a control issue as most sex crimes are. It does not matter if the harmed child is prepubescent or post-pubescent, the adult is in control. Saying the harmed child is post-pubescent therefore the priest was a homosexual not a pedophile, does not lessen the impact of the action.
Let's ask those 200 deaf children Father Murphy defiled if it matters. How about the children males and females Father Shanley robbed of their childhood in Boston. Let's ask the victims of Father Stephen Faletti, Father John Degnan, Bishop Anthony O’Connell, Father Gerry Howard, Father Kevin Clohessy, and the list goes on.
I have to further wonder at this rationale. If they are homosexual, why is it okay to have them remain in robes if the church is so adverse to homosexuality?
I know that the Catholic church is not the only church with a pedophile problem, but thier irritating piousness and size garners them the most attention The catholic church is the largest religious profitable non-profit conglomerate in the world. The Vatican is a country for gods sake; pun intended.

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