Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Ain't Even Trying To Hear It

Recently I've been called stubborn, a block head, unyielding, and obstinate all in a loving way by people I truly care about. You know who you are and I love ya. We all know the truth about ourselves often come from those close to us but not in this case. In this case I am right...for me.

The issue is why I REFUSE to watch Fox "news".
I do not watch Fox "news"
I do not want to watch Fox "news"
I do not need to watch Fox "news"
I do not intend to watch Fox "news"
It comes down to, I do not consider the bilge propagated by Fox employees "news". They hired Sara Palin as an analyst for goodness sake. I can't take them seriously. Even an op-ed must contain facts which support the opinion. This, for me, is the difference between Fox "news" and MSNBC, and less so CNN.
MSNBC is more like local news on steroids, more stimulating on the political front. While I do not always agree with MSNBC, or CNN, my personal research has found them more in-dept and factual and less sensational than Fox.

Oddly enough, I hear the Fox noise without even tuning in. Beck, Hannity, O'Rielly and to some extent, Limbaugh seep into conversations around me. I get phone calls, e-mails, tweets etc. from folks pissed off about something a Fox head said. Why would I seek out the vitriol coming from these corporate tongs? Why would I pay to be insulted? Why would I support a company that totally hates me and everything I believe? I use the list of sponsors that dropped Glenn Beck as a buying guide (http://bit.ly/a3nX8o). Put another way, I hate war movies, why would I go see "Hurt Locker?" It's more than not wanting to subject myself to the idiocy, the hyperbole or the lies, it's the truth void and re-writing history. I ask myself why listen when I know I'll get angry, throw something, use some colorful verbiage and resolve nothing. Why seek out aggravation with no pay off? It isn't like they're saying anything of import or substance.
To my pals: You are all bright people who think for yourselves, stand firm in your belief and let me do the same. I won't watch Fox, period. Call me :)

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