Monday, February 22, 2010

Right(s) Out of a Chicken's Ass

Sipsey from "Fried Green Tomatoes: "Oh it don't make no kind of sense. Big ol' ox like Grady won't sit next to a colored child. But he eats eggs- shoot right outta chicken's ass!"

Simple but, clear. Succinct yet apropos. How many of us have heard a grandmother, grandfather or senior mutter something so simple, yet right on point? Seems pretty clear to me. My Dad use to remark how slaves were used in the kitchen, as mid-wives and nanny's. He wondered why it was okay to put slaves in the kitchen where all sorts of things could be done to food, or imagine the damage that could be done to children in the care of a pissed off slave.
All the teabagger racially tinged cries of taking the country back makes me wonder back to where, when, why and, from whom? Wonder what the indigenous people have to say?
Maybe they mean back when the government was not involved in providing protections from ourselves. Back before women and minorities were protected or covered by social security or unemployment insurance? Back when there was no such thing as equal pay or equality except for old rich white men. Or back when children were not covered by labor laws. Maybe back when there was no medicare or medicaid. Back before the EPA developed standards for water and air quality? Back when women could not own property and were treated as property? Back when child abuse was a common day occurrence? Back when boys went to school and girls stayed home?
Does this seem ass backwards for a country that deems itself a world leader. A country that sits in judgment on how other countries treat their citizenry? A country that prides itself in being on the cutting edge. I call it arrogance. Sounds to me like they are not fighting to regain perceived loss of rights, but instead, an extension of rights to a greater majority. Consequently, the teabagger platform is strengthening the rights of Corporate America.
Corporate America should be the target of all this anger, yet it is corporate America that is reaping the benefits right out of a chicken's ass. The Boston tea party may have had grounds in equal representation, but it was also directed at big businesses such as the East India Tea Companies monopoly. Look at the recent failure of the drug import bill. Can the drug import bill be compared to tea imports in 1773? Why should Americans pay twice as much for medication developed in the US by American companies? Look at the tax breaks given companies moving jobs overseas. What about the huge farm subsidies? Do teabaggers realize that if anyone is getting in between them and their doctor, it is big pharma and the insurance companies. Should we revisit NAFTA? Have you walked through a Target or Walgreen and looked at labels? (I do not shop Wal-Mart but imagine they're worse). Have you called a customer service number lately and asked where they are located? What about the recent SCOTUS decision giving citizen rights to big business?
Get corporate America out of the kitchen and away from our children. Stop shooting eggs out your ass. Stop the corporate welfare.

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